Junior Anglers Win Big in Sailfish 400 Tournament

Mike Puller is still in disbelief. Play Video Play Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Remaining Time -0:00 This is a modal window. Foreground --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Opaque Background --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Window --- White Black Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan --- Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent Font Size 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400% Text Edge Style None Raised Depressed Uniform Dropshadow Font Family Default Monospace Serif Proportional Serif Monospace Sans-Serif Proportional Sans-Serif Casual Script Small Caps Defaults Done I never thought something I started 15 years ago, the Fishing Experience, could turn into something so successful. The kids on this team — Jonathan Brana, Sebastian Iglesias, Kevin Lamadrid and Carlos Saladrigas — are some of the best I’ve had in the program, and they showed me a lot of qualities that some adults won’t ever get, things like patience, perseverance and humility. On the first day of the Sailfish 400, it was almost noon and we hadn’t seen a sailfish. With that fish under our belt, we were able to start shaking off the nerves. Forty minutes later, we released another single. After an hour of nothing, we hooked a triple. The kids were shuffling around, and everyone was wound up tighter than a rubber band. Then, all of a sudden, it happened.
Junior Anglers Win Big in Sailfish 400 Tournament
Junior anglers log a tournament day for the ages.

After a third-place finish in the Sailfish 400, with a team of junior anglers all under the age of 13 years old, Capt. Mike Puller is still in disbelief. Here is his firsthand account of a day that is sure to go down in sailfishing tournament history.

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I never thought something I started 15 years ago, the Fishing Experience, could turn into something so successful. The kids on this team — Jonathan Brana, Sebastian Iglesias, Kevin Lamadrid and Carlos Saladrigas — are some of the best I’ve had in the program, and they showed me a lot of qualities that some adults won’t ever get, things like patience, perseverance and humility.

On the first day of the Sailfish 400, it was…

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