Rules sometimes just need to be broken. At least that’s true with a shotgun. A huge part of properly shooting a shotgun has always focused on foot placement. A common mantra with shooting instructors is: “You must have the correct stance if you intend to hit the target.”
All well and good if your targets are predictable and you have time to get into position. Foot placement is probably important if your clay birds require you yell “Pull,” or if your feathered birds are described by pretentious writers as “gentlemen” and they hold for the pointers. But for shooting in a less predictable world, it might benefit you to remember that you don’t operate a shotgun with your feet. You point the shotgun with your upper body. And if you can focus on that rather than on foot placement, you will be able to make shots in a much wider range of shooting situations.
I cut my wingshooting teeth hunting ruffed grouse without a dog. If quail are gentlemen, then grouse are jerks. They always seem to flush when you are tangled in a barbed-wire fence or a blackberry bramble, or are crawling under a low branch. If you want to have success under these circumstances, you learn to shoot fast and to shoot…