Lake Fish: Modern Cooking with Freshwater Fish

Wild Cookbook Review for "Lake Fish: Modern Cooking with Freshwater Fish". Several years ago, I was getting ready to fry up a batch of sunfish, and it occurred to me that the only way I ever cooked the fish I caught was by frying it. One of the first things I tried on my own was a walleye curry with tropical fried rice, that has subce become one of my favorite recipes. I am always looking for a new approach to using freshwater fish, and have been adapting a lot of ocean fish recipes to work with our local Minnesota freshwater fish. A publisher contacted me in May about trying a new cookbook called Lake Fish, Modern Cooking with Freshwater Fish. I had some smelt, pike, and smoked whitefish, so I read through the book and found a few more recipes to try. He told me he really wanted to explore as many different avenues as he could with our local fish. He also said that all of the recipes are really just guides and that if you wanted to replace the fish in a recipe with any other type of fish, you certainly could. Sunfish potstickers, sunfish and kimchi fried rice, and perch cocktail are all on my list of things to try this summer. It is hard to read through this book and not want to head out fishing, so you can try as many of these recipes as possible.
Freshwater fish recipes
Fried walleye sandwich, served up hot.

Several years ago, I was getting ready to fry up a batch of sunfish, and it occurred to me that the only way I ever cooked the fish I caught was by frying it. At the time, I had only ever fished in Minnesota, and all the fish I had caught over my lifetime had been either rolled in a cracker crumb breading or (on really special occasions) beer batter. I love fried fish, but I felt like I needed to branch out a little bit. One of the first things I tried on my own was a walleye curry with tropical fried rice, that has subce become one of my favorite recipes. It didn’t take long before I was using local Minnesota fish in all sorts of different ways. I am always looking for a new approach to using freshwater fish, and have been adapting a lot of ocean fish recipes to work with our local Minnesota freshwater fish.

Cooking pike
Pan-roasted pike is one of the many recipes offered in the book.

Enter this cookbook. A publisher contacted me in May about trying a new cookbook called Lake Fish, Modern Cooking with Freshwater Fish. It sounded like it would be right up my alley, and I anxiously waited for the book to arrive. The author is Keane Amdahl. I’d actually heard of him before, and we’d even had several online communications. Keane hails from the Minneapolis area and has put together a compilation of recipes that work beautifully with our local…

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