Next time you venture outdoors bring this all-natural gear!

Outdoor adventure gear made from all-natural materials. Bamboo is plentiful, requires little water, regenerates quickly, and makes for killer bike frames. It's also naturally shock-absorbing, offering a cushy ride. California boutique frame-maker CALFEE sells hemp-and-flax-lugged Bamboo Adventure Bike frames starting at $3,000. However, with Calfee's new DIY kit--which comes with tubes, frame hardware, and tools for road, mountain, cross, and BMX frames--you can build a mostly natural bike for much less. $800, Trekking/skiing poles were commonly made from bamboo before aluminum and carbon supplanted it. Given bamboo's high strength-to-weight ratio, it's a welcome throwback. Musician and ski-pole maven Bryon Friedman's Soul Poles, handmade in Park City, Utah, offer pleasing heft and ergo grips and feature steel-tipped ferrules to protect the shafts. $650, PATAGONIA has partnered with sustainable-rubber manufacturer Yulex to reengineer its wetsuits using the natural milky latex emulsion of hevea trees rather than petroleum-based neoprene. Opinel manufactures the No.

Skip the plastic and neoprene outdoor accoutrements. You’ll blend into your surroundings much better with cutting-edge adventure gear crafted from all-natural materials.

Bamboo Adventure Bike frames
Bamboo Adventure Bike frames

Bamboo is plentiful, requires little water, regenerates quickly, and makes for killer bike frames. It’s also naturally shock-absorbing, offering a cushy ride. California boutique frame-maker CALFEE sells hemp-and-flax-lugged Bamboo Adventure Bike frames starting at $3,000. However, with Calfee’s new DIY kit–which comes with tubes, frame hardware, and tools for road, mountain, cross, and BMX frames–you can build a mostly natural bike for much less. $800,

Soul Poles
Soul Poles

Trekking/skiing poles were commonly made from bamboo before aluminum and carbon supplanted it. Given bamboo’s high strength-to-weight ratio, it’s a welcome throwback. Musician and ski-pole maven Bryon Friedman’s Soul Poles, handmade in Park City, Utah, offer pleasing heft and ergo grips and feature steel-tipped ferrules to protect the shafts. Come winter, attach baskets (provided) and pair…

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