Ask Bowhunter: How Should We Promote Bowhunting?

As Baby Boomers age and begin to scale back their bowhunting efforts, it’s imperative that all bowhunters work to “pass it on.” Here are some ways you can give back: • Become active in your state bowhunting organization. Only a tiny percentage of the bowhunters in a given state are members of their state organization. Help them get into archery first. One of my neighbor kids showed an interest in archery, so I fixed him up with a bow and arrows I still had hanging in my shop. • Consider getting involved in S3DA Archery. You can become a certified instructor, or help start an S3DA club. • Become active in the Pope and Young Club. • If you own or have access to some good hunting property, consider inviting young bowhunters to hunt. • You can become a Bowhunter Education instructor and work to maintain a high ethical standard for all new bowhunters. Here at Bowhunter, we appreciate your willingness to work toward the future of bowhunting.

Q: I’ve been bowhunting for nearly 30 years, and I’ve slowly come to the sad realization that I’ve been selfish. I’ve thought only about myself and my own hunting adventures. I’m feeling the need to give back to this pursuit I love so much. Got any suggestions? James K., via e-mail

My grandsons Carson, Quinn and Easton love 3-D shoots (son Jared records the action). It’s natural for me to pass archery on to them, but we must also take time to help kids who wouldn’t otherwise get this opportunity.

A: It is motivation such as yours that will help to ensure the future of bowhunting, and these days we need you more than ever. As Baby Boomers age and begin to scale back their bowhunting efforts, it’s imperative that all bowhunters work to “pass it on.” Here are some ways you can give back:

• Become active in your state bowhunting organization. Only a tiny percentage of the bowhunters in a given state are members of their state organization. That is embarrassing. Had I not joined the ND Bowhunter’s Association 36 years ago (I’m a Life Member), I would not have become as serious a bowhunter as I am, and may not be in this position. These groups, populated with like-minded bowhunters, work hard to monitor state game laws that affect your bowhunting privileges, and to promote bowhunting by introducing kids and adults to the pursuit of game with a bow and arrow. Every state organization desperately needs active members like you.

• Mentor a youngster, whether it’s a relative, neighbor kid, or the son or daughter of a friend. Help them get…

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