Performance Upgrades for Your Scope

The perpetual rain added several pounds to my sodden wool cruiser, and the mud and slush made climbing through the Douglas firs and tangled willows a hellish chore. But what was most frustrating was my inability to see through my scope. Even when it wasn’t raining, the humidity kept the exposed lenses filmed with mist, which rendered my .30/06 all but useless in the event a Roosevelt elk crossed my path. I haven’t hunted without scope caps since, but only recently found ones durable enough to handle hard use. I’ve also added other specialized items to some of my scopes to get more utility out of them, particularly when shooting in competition and at longer ranges. Mounting hardware with a built-in bubble level costs about $75 extra. No other throw lever is as durable. Aadmount’s Flip Up Caps, like its Throw Levers, are unbelievably rugged. After buckling this cover over your scope, you inflate it with air to create a cushion for your optic that will protect it from falls and hard knocks. Its clever design allows you to flip up the ends of the bag so you can shoot with the cover in place.

While hunting elk in the Cascade Mountains, I became a scope cap convert. The perpetual rain added several pounds to my sodden wool cruiser, and the mud and slush made climbing through the Douglas firs and tangled willows a hellish chore. But what was most frustrating was my inability to see through my scope.

Even when it wasn’t raining, the humidity kept the exposed lenses filmed with mist, which rendered my .30/06 all but useless in the event a Roosevelt elk crossed my path. Which none did. I haven’t hunted without scope caps since, but only recently found ones durable enough to handle hard use.

I’ve also added other specialized items to some of my scopes to get more utility out of them, particularly when shooting in competition and at longer ranges.

Send It Long Range Arms

The Send It illuminates an easy-to-see green LED when the horizontal crosshair is level with the ground. The unit mounts either horizontally or vertically, and attaches to the scope tube or to a Picatinny rail on the receiver.

Sniper Tools Angle Cosine Indicator
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