Apple Wood Venison Backstraps

Give it a try this weekend and tell us what you think! Venison Backstraps Apple cider Bell pepper Onion Celery Extra virgin olive oil Cream cheese Bacon Slice a backstrap down the center lengthwise. Once vegetables are ready, place them on the inside of the room temperature backstrap. Fold the ends up and roll backstrap, making sure to keep vegetables inside. Tie the backstrap to prevent it from coming apart, or use toothpicks to hold it together. Prepare grill as desired; however, place apple wood chips in smoke box or over charcoal. Grill backstrap to desired taste. Wild-Game Hunting, Cleaning and Cooking Tips All in One Book Learn how to hunt, process, and cook a wide variety of wild game with Hunting for Food by Jenny Nguyen and Rick Wheatley. Begin with detailed instructions on the best practices for hunting different types of game, including coverage of how to find or attract the game you’re looking to hunt, best times for hunting, and the gear you’ll need to be successful. Get your copy here!
Venison backstraps, apple cider, vegetables, cream cheese, apple wood smoke and bacon. Sounds like a good start to the weekend’s menu. (Photo courtesy

This week’s venison recipe was submitted by Carl Raymond, and it sure has us dreaming of the wonderful aroma of the apple wood smoke, vegetables and venison all rolled into one gift from the grilling gods. Give it a try this weekend and tell us what you think!

  • Venison Backstraps
  • Apple cider
  • Bell pepper
  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Cream cheese
  • Bacon

Slice a backstrap down the center lengthwise. Beat the backstrap to your desired thickness, season and marinate in apple cider for 24 hours. Take backstrap out of fridge and allow meat to…

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