Unusual Places to Catch Your Own Bait

Your survival fishing kit may be no more than a coil of monofilament line and a half dozen hooks, and that’s all it really needs to be. But as you likely know, a bare hook and some line won’t be very effective, unless you find tasty critters that you can use as bait. Here are four places to check to rustle up your own bait. These protected habitats often have worms, slugs, grubs and many other fine bait bugs hiding underneath them. Pick through the crumbled pieces to collect your prizes. Not only are these creatures a tempting treat for fish, but they make a valuable survival food for hungry humans too. Worms are often upset by vibrations in the ground, and these disturbances can cause the worms to crawl to the surface. I have seen it work firsthand (some of the time!). Which local bait would you use, if you needed something to go with your survival fishing kit? Please tell us your pick by leaving a comment.
find your own bait
For survival fishing, find your own bait.

Your survival fishing kit may be no more than a coil of monofilament line and a half dozen hooks, and that’s all it really needs to be. But as you likely know, a bare hook and some line won’t be very effective, unless you find tasty critters that you can use as bait. For successful hand-line fishing, your best bet is to select irresistible bait. Since most fish species are carnivores, it’s hard to go wrong with worms, grubs, crickets and other natural bug bait. Here are four places to check to rustle up your own bait.


One of the easiest ways to find bait is to flip over stones and other solid objects. These protected habitats often have worms, slugs, grubs and many other fine bait bugs hiding underneath them.


Bloodworms and other juicy creatures may be hiding just under the…

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