The Right Ax for the Job

When it comes down to it, you could fell a tree with a tomahawk or throw a large ax—but it’s best to have the right tool for the job. One edge is stout, for the hard work of felling. Splitting Maul These thick and heavy axes typically bear a straight handle, and are used for splitting firewood. A blacksmith would draw out the edge to a point, which was meant to strike the livestock between the eyes. Tomahawk Straight-handled like a maul, these little axes are on the opposite end of the weight spectrum. They have also been used as devastating weapons in hand to hand combat, or used as thrown weapons. And because of their overall shape, they’re not great at splitting wood. Camp Axe The most common ax in the woods, these small to mid-sized choppers (aka hatchets) are useful for both camping and survival. These lightweight tools designed for one-handed use, ideally suited to chopping and splitting small wood. What’s your favorite make and model of the ax?

Dating back to the stone-age, axes have served a critical role in the processing of firewood, the building of dwellings, and survival in the wild. And very much like knives, there are different axes which are suited for different jobs in the bush. When it comes down to it, you could fell a tree with a tomahawk or throw a large ax—but it’s best to have the right tool for the job. Here are just a few of the wood chopping options to consider for your backcountry camp.

Different Types of Axes
Pictured from left to right, the splitting maul, the double-bit ax, and the tomahawk.

Double Bit Ax

No, it’s not a battle ax (though, it would work for that in a pinch). Traditionally, the double bit ax is for felling and limbing trees. One edge is stout, for the hard work of felling. The other edge is sharper, for chopping…

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