Punching a fly cast into the Wind

Tips for casting into headwinds.
By Mike Conner

Fly Fishing in the Wind
Try to keep your loop close to the water, under the wind. After making a high backcast aim your forward cast down at the surface. As your line unrolls, it should be about chest-high.

Headwinds give all of us fits. It’s tougher to achieve distance, and to turn over a leader. You may assume that pushing the rod harder, applying brute force, is the secret, but in reality, increased line speed (achieved with a good, sharp haul on the fly line) and a tight loop is the key.

A tight loop punches into the wind better than a wide loop. Cast a tight loop and then it’s just a matter of “tilting” your casting plane downward by about 10 degrees, or perhaps slightly more, on the shortest casts. Quite simply, you should aim right at your target, rather than aiming your forward cast above the water, to let the line and fly settle as the line unrolls….

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