Do Not Disturb Spawning Sea Lampreys

Sea lamprey are native to Connecticut River, beneficial to aquatic ecosystem

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is reminding anglers and the general public as a whole to avoid disturbing spawning sea lamprey that may currently be found in the Connecticut River and several of its tributaries.

“Sea lamprey are native to the Connecticut River basin and play a vital role in the ecosystem,” said Lael Will, fisheries biologist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. “Vermont is also home to a separate population of non-native sea lamprey that are actively controlled as a nuisance species in Lake Champlain. Confusion can arise over the differing management goals for these two populations of sea lamprey. We believe it’s important to highlight and contrast the conservation value of Connecticut River sea lamprey, educate the public, and encourage folks to do their part to protect this important population of fish.”

A bald eagle carries a sea lamprey
A bald eagle carries a sea lamprey it snatched from the Connecticut River last year. Sea lamprey are native to the Connecticut River drainage and play an important role in its ecosystem. Photo…
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