Man-e-War Achieves Three-peat In Viking Key West Challenge

man-e-war team 2017 viking key west challenge

Winning a prestigious tournament can be the highlight of any captain’s career, but to win one three years in a row represents an incredible feat, especially when the competition is tougher than ever. But thanks to some hot fishing and a steady hand at the helm, Capt. Ben Sharpe led the Man-e-War team to a three-peat in the 2017 Viking Key West Challenge, held April 5 to 8, 2017, in Key West, Florida.

ben sharpe man-e-war 2017 viking key west challenge

Day One of fishing saw Capt. John Hagen on MDALA taking an early lead, releasing 12 sailfish. Man-e-War was second with nine but in the hunt, and the rest of the 40-boat fleet was hot on the fish. A lay day gave everyone a chance to relax, see the sights and party a little before the final day’s action, which saw Man-e-War releasing another 13 sailfish to win with a total of 22 releases. MDALA finished second with a total of 14 sailfish releases, while Blue Time was third with 13 releases. MDALA’s Erich Pfeifer was the top angler of the tournament with 9 sailfish releases, and Nicole Ely was the top lady with eight releases on…

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