Easily Dress for Fishing in any Climate

Casting in Comfort

How to Dress for Fishing in any Climate

By Walt Lyman

Let’s face it – the last thing you probably think about when planning a glorious day fishing, is how you look. But not thinking about what you are going to wear can end up taking some of the fun out of your day if you get caught unprepared for the elements. Whether the weather forecast calls for a hot sunny day or you’ll be braving a frosty morning, conditions can change without warning and you need to be prepared.

We’ve enlisted the help of our buddies from Wild Fish Wild Places, fishermen extraordinaire Denis Isbister and Dreu Murin, to provide you with their advice on how to dress to get the most out of any fishing trip. Here’s what they said about various conditions:

In extreme heat and sun conditions we wear “compression pants” Under Armour style leggings under our REEL Lifestyle board shorts for complete protection. Days of exposure in hostile environments like the Amazon will leave you fried regardless of how much sunscreen you apply. The light breathable pants keep you completely protected and cooler.

Cold in the morning and hot during the day is what we deal with on most of the fishing trips we go on. For these conditions we utilize a set of waterproof breathable bibs over our REEL Lifestyle board shorts and a waterproof breathable jacket over our hoodie. When it heats up you peal the top layers and are still protected if some weather shows up.

Cold weather fishing requires more layers and more preparation. If boat fishing we have found long wool “wader” socks that come up and over the knee with Muck boots, fleece wader pants and a good set of insulated waterproof bibs. Your top layer should be a tight fitting thermal, heavy hoodie and insulated waterproof jacket to be prepared for all of the elements. If you are using waders to fish in these conditions the same layering process is key. We’ve…

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