If you follow the trends in fishing styles, it’s easy to conclude that shallow water angling is as popular, if not more popular than ever. The need for a boat that will travel across skinny water safely and get you further into the back water is a demand we see being met with increasing regularity. While Florida anglers typically think of traditional “flats boats” to serve this need, a growing segment of the angling community are realizing the usefulness of a hull design made famous on Texas bay flats and incorporating them into Florida style fisheries. The Blue Wave 2200 STL is a perfect example of this style of boat. Blue Wave starts with a rounded tunnel design and “slot transom” to allow the boat to not only float shallow, but run shallow as well. The placement of the engine between the extended running surface (sponsons) allows water being forced through the tunnel to feed the prop water in the keyhole slot. This effect, combined with the ability to raise the engine higher out of the water on a Jackplate enables the boat to lift onto plane and maintain plane at lower speed, over shallower water. It also provides a level take off reducing bow rise on a hole shot which saves both the flats you fish and your lower unit/prop.
An additional benefit (and no insignificant one)…