April 7 Striper Migration Map

2017 Striper Migration Map

Some serious April Showers have raised the rivers throughout the Northeast, but before they turned high and muddy, fishermen were catching quality bass in the Delaware, the Chesapeake, and even a couple in the Hudson. Water temperatures continue to creep up, and with some true spring weather forecast for next week, look for the striped bass migration to really pick up steam.

Chesapeake Bay

Water temperatures in the middle bay are around 50 degrees, and some large, egg-laden bass are being caught in the main stem of the Chesapeake, with the spawn is already underway in some of the rivers.

According to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, spawning is happening in the Choptank River. Recent warm weather pushed the water temperature in the river into the 50s, and that was enough to get things going.

The Susquehanna is running cold and muddy, so there hasn’t been too much striper activity there yet.

Delaware Bay

Some larger striper were being caught in the lower Delaware River, but in small numbers. Most of the fish being caught in the river and bay are shorts falling to bloodworms. In inshore areas of upper Delaware Bay, short stripers are being caught and released, mostly by anglers fishing bloodworms and grass shrimp for white perch. Small stripers are also being caught in the lower Delaware River.

According to our Southern New Jersey fishing reports, there are…

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