25 Vintage Bear Covers

25 Vintage Outdoor Life Bear Covers From 1900 to 1939. Apart from whitetail deer, bears have appeared more frequently on the covers of Outdoor Life than any other big game animal. The illustrations range in subject from running black bears with hounds to freak grizzly attacks, and even includes the odd polar bear here and there. We couldn't fit all the covers into one post, however, so this gallery contains nearly every OL bear cover ever published from 1900 to 1939. Stay tuned for the next installments. A handful of bear covers are probably missing from this round up due to spotty records where we scanned issues with torn covers, and the fact that it’s easy to overlook a single cover among a thousand. So if I’ve forgotten any that you remember, or your own personal favorite, be sure to let me know. And if you want to read through the issues these covers belong to, consider a subscription to our digital archives.

Apart from whitetail deer, bears have appeared more frequently on the covers of Outdoor Life than any other big game animal. The illustrations range in subject from running black bears with hounds to freak grizzly attacks, and even includes the odd polar bear here and there. We couldn’t fit all the covers into one post, however, so this gallery contains nearly every OL bear cover ever published from 1900 to 1939. Stay tuned for the next installments.

A handful of bear covers are probably missing from this round up due to spotty records where we scanned issues with torn covers, and the fact that it’s easy to overlook a single cover among a thousand. So if I’ve forgotten any that you remember, or your own personal favorite, be sure to let me know. And if you want to read through the issues these covers belong to, consider a subscription to our digital archives.

Cover of the 1900 issue of Outdoor Life
Every issue from 1900 sported this same…
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