Gulf Reef Fish Survey And Seasons

Attention Gulf Anglers!

Gulf Red Snapper

Snapper season is right around the corner. So it is time to sign up for or renew your participation in the Gulf Reef Fish Survey if you plan to fish from a private vessel for the following reef species in the Gulf this year: red and vermilion snapper; gag, red, and black grouper; greater amberjack, lesser amberjack; banded rudderfish; almaco jack; and gray triggerfish.

To renew online, visit

If you are not a Gulf reef fish angler and don’t plan on fishing for these reef species in the Gulf this year, please do not renew your participation in the Gulf Reef Fish Survey. By only sampling anglers who plan on fishing for those species, Florida is improving recreational data collection. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

Just a reminder – renewing the Gulf Reef Fish Survey does not renew your fishing license, so if needed, remember to renew that as well!

Also, the FWC is meeting this week to establish the state season dates. As yet, the federal season dates have not been set. It is proposed and will be discussed that to maintain fishing opportunities for red snapper while approximating last year’s season structure, the red snapper season would be open on Saturdays and Sundays starting the first Saturday in May. The season would then be open each day starting the Saturday before Memorial Day…

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