My buddy Anthony Campbell loves the outdoors, is an old ink-in-the-blood newspaper guy and like me, doesn’t miss too many meals.
He’s the editor of a wonderful small town newspaper that, when I was in college 30 years ago, was part of our “Community News” class studies. It’s the epitome of local, hometown news. It’s written in conversational tone: Merle telling the guys at the cafe about a deer hunt, or the local courthouse trial, or someone’s friends from out of state visiting for the summer holiday.

One photo I recall from college in the paper was of a dead possum on the side of the road. The state striping crew didn’t remove it before laying the paint stripe down. Caution stripe right over the deceased marsupial. Classic. But that’s local news. That’s what people would talk about.
Campbell writes an outdoors column now and then. Deer, fishing, small game, whatever he gets into. He’s also compiled a book of his turkey hunting columns. Anyone who hunts gobblers knows it’s an addiction and he’s roped in pretty hard.
C’mon man, let’s eat!
Campbell’s lovely wife is a fine cook, and one of their favorite dishes is Tater Tot Casserole. I asked Campbell if I could reprint it, albeit using ground venison instead of…